Thursday, August 20, 2009

10th journal entry

During my first year highschool I've experience negative peer pressure or the bad peer pressure. After our 1st periodical exam my classmates planned to hang-out in mall then go to our house. When we went in our house she bought a beer and she let my other classmates to try drinking that beer and she said that it is just a trial and because of the CURIOUSITY my other classmates try it and we became weak.

I felt very mad at myself that I did it, knowing that it is wrong. But I say sorry to my parents and promise to not do it again and stay away from my classmate.

I've learned that I should first use my mind before doing anything, because I know that I'm smart enough.

6th journal entry

I took the challenge which is to recite in class at least one in any courses. I was able to beat the challenge. I made to recite in class all in the courses that I'm taking in that day. I felt happy because I was able to share my thoughts and opinions in a ceratin topic which was being discussed in the class. I've realize that in college life I should participate in any discussions for me to be able to understand the topics very much.

When I've watch the film "an Inconvenient Truth" I was not able to finish the film. I've learned that the film includes segments intented to refute critics who say that global warming was unproven or that waring is insignificant. Gore explains what happened in the ice sheets in Greenland the possibilities of collapses of these ice sheets. and he discusses the politics and ecomonics of global warming. he describes the consequences of what he believe that global climate change will produce.

5th Journal entry


I've learned how to cook foods. When my mother first taught me to cook I felt very excited because I really want to learn many dishes. Until this point I really want to invent my own recipes. I'm always the one who cooks food for our family.

One of the most challenging thing I have ever accomplished is when I graduated from Highschool and to take up college. I was a little bit afraid to take up college but now I'm enjoying everything happen in my college life. And I'm still looking forward to finish my program and be a successful person and a professional engineer someday.

Life still goes on and on. I will encounter more challenging events in life. I know that God will guide me to accomplish those challenges that will came in my life.

4th Journal entry

1. I felt that I should know the real Janine and I've realized that even I'm not a perfect person I still have the positive characteristics.

2. a. When I have answered wrong during recitation I want that my teacher will correct my statement for me to be able to learn my mistake. While I'm expressing my opinions in a group discussion I want my groupmates to react in my opinion and tell me if I'm still making sense. And when I'm giving any suggestions in any group activities I want them to approach me and cooperate and tell me if they appreciate what i suggest.

When I commit mistake I want them to tell it to me straight for me to not be able to do it again and change what I've done. and when they ask me to do something and I don't want to do it I want them to give me freedom to say that I can't do it or I don't want to do it! and if they want to give any suggestions or comments they are free to approach me and I will recognize it.

b. I can commit to myself that I should show the real me in terms of showing my real attitudes. I know that I'm a friendly person and everyone in the community of MCL can approach me.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

9th journal entry

A responsible person is doing his/her task at the right time. My responsibility at home is to act as the eldest and to do the household chores and at the school I should follow the rules and policies of the school during the school premises and to study well. At the community I should learn how to help the surroundings clean.

8th journal entry


I do the challenge.. I admit my mistake to my Dad when i did something wrong. I apologize to him of what I did wrong but at first its through a letter and then I talk to him personally and clarify the misunderstandings betwen the two of us. I felt happy because I felt ok when I do it!. I've realize that if you done a mistake you should admit it.

7th Journal entry


Last March 21,2009 after my attending my senior's night celebration i was rushed in the hospital because i mu right lower abdomen becames painful so we went to the hospital to have my check-up then they found out that i have symptoms of acute appendicitis but then we went to another hospital to have a second advice and they said that they will observe me within 24 hours. They said that I will not eat. I felt sad because even water is not allowed to me. I plan that I should always take my vitamins and I should have enough rest and have regular exercise.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

3rd journal entry

My Outstanding Virtue


I want people around me to trust me...specially my true having that virtue I know that I can call myself a TRUE FRIEND..


I want to balance my life.. balance my set-aside first lovelife...for me to be able to achieve my goals in life and to be successful...


I want to be honest in everyting I'm doing...I just want to be myself...and I'm not saying that I'm really a honest person..because I know nobody is perfect!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

2nd journal entry

2nd journal entry
1. how was your 1st week of study at MCL?
At first I felt nervous, because I don't know what will happen on the following days. But it became more exciting...challenging... and of course i enjoy it!

2. describe your professors. what are traits do you find positive in each one?

The professors of MCL has diferrent characteristics to one another...some are strict so i felt nervous when they enter the room soma are cheerfull so I can read easily their attitudes...they are all good instructors and you can get lessons from them...and you can easily approach them when you have questions to ask...

3.describe your classmates/section.what do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?
I easy get along with them.. specially the boys... I think one of their strenghts are the competition inside the room.. and the weaknesses happens when they are alone and no one to talk to... do you find your courses? which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are little bit challenging? why?
I found out about my courses some are easy for me to understand and some are not..the easy courses for me is soc sci and english and the little bit challenging is math and humanities.. because sometimes I not in the mood to thing harder somethings... you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? what are they?cite ex. in your academics,emotions and social environment?
For now I dont have adjustments I'm just being myself... For academics I just applied the knowledge I've learned from highschool...emotions..I just being myself...Social Environment..I'm just being friendly

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Values Education

Values Education is important to everyone in enhancing good moral character. It is implicable to everybody. And should be applied in our daily lives. For me, it will make me more matured and it will guide me in every decisions in going in the right path for my future through application in my life. It will be of great help not only for me but for evrybody to make right decisions in life. Values Education thought me how to be a better person.

After I have processed my first few experiences at Malayan Colleges Laguna I can now manage to go along with other students studying at MCL. I can now share my knowledge to my new classmates and friends. And now I know that I can be a better student and a good citizen of MCL. And know I'm ready to learn more from my instructors and classmates and also to learn to myself.

Now I'm ready to face the new chapter of my life which is the college life. I've heard that "college life" is the most serious thing. It makes a lot of time and efforts. I know that from the past 4 years of studying in highschool I know that there is big difference from college. During my highschool life sometimes I'm acting like a child. My friends treat me as their youngest sister even though in the reality I'm the eldest in the family. Unlike now I should act like a lady and not a child anymore. On college I'm not fun of reading my books but now in college I've learned to always read my books and have an advance study for me to be ready for the next in our discussion at school. In highschool life I have my freedom to do whatever I want to spend my time but now in college I've learn that I should have my own time table because I can't now spend my time to something which is not important. I don't have the time for "GIMIKS". In highschool I have only one set of barkadas and classmates but now in college its the opposite one. Now in college I should set a goal to achieve what I want.

In my college life I'm still expecting for new things. I want to discover more myself. I want to know the real JANINE BAUTISTA. I want to excel in school and have a good grades for my parents to be proud to their only daughter. And I dedicate all my efforts to them to show how I appreciate all the sacrifices that they have done for me and to my two brothers and to show my love for them.