Thursday, August 20, 2009

4th Journal entry

1. I felt that I should know the real Janine and I've realized that even I'm not a perfect person I still have the positive characteristics.

2. a. When I have answered wrong during recitation I want that my teacher will correct my statement for me to be able to learn my mistake. While I'm expressing my opinions in a group discussion I want my groupmates to react in my opinion and tell me if I'm still making sense. And when I'm giving any suggestions in any group activities I want them to approach me and cooperate and tell me if they appreciate what i suggest.

When I commit mistake I want them to tell it to me straight for me to not be able to do it again and change what I've done. and when they ask me to do something and I don't want to do it I want them to give me freedom to say that I can't do it or I don't want to do it! and if they want to give any suggestions or comments they are free to approach me and I will recognize it.

b. I can commit to myself that I should show the real me in terms of showing my real attitudes. I know that I'm a friendly person and everyone in the community of MCL can approach me.

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