Sunday, June 28, 2009

2nd journal entry

2nd journal entry
1. how was your 1st week of study at MCL?
At first I felt nervous, because I don't know what will happen on the following days. But it became more exciting...challenging... and of course i enjoy it!

2. describe your professors. what are traits do you find positive in each one?

The professors of MCL has diferrent characteristics to one another...some are strict so i felt nervous when they enter the room soma are cheerfull so I can read easily their attitudes...they are all good instructors and you can get lessons from them...and you can easily approach them when you have questions to ask...

3.describe your classmates/section.what do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?
I easy get along with them.. specially the boys... I think one of their strenghts are the competition inside the room.. and the weaknesses happens when they are alone and no one to talk to... do you find your courses? which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are little bit challenging? why?
I found out about my courses some are easy for me to understand and some are not..the easy courses for me is soc sci and english and the little bit challenging is math and humanities.. because sometimes I not in the mood to thing harder somethings... you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? what are they?cite ex. in your academics,emotions and social environment?
For now I dont have adjustments I'm just being myself... For academics I just applied the knowledge I've learned from highschool...emotions..I just being myself...Social Environment..I'm just being friendly

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